
Being part of the local food system, to us, is one of the great rewards of being a small, independent grocery store. We're able to provide our community with food from local farms and businesses that we know and trust. By choosing local, we can ensure that we're stimulating our local food economy and providing you with the freshest and the best products possible.

We consider it the first step to re-shaping the way everyone thinks about food.

According to the USDA, the term "local" refers to anything within 400 miles. That means "local" foods could come from as far away as Connecticut or South Carolina. We define local as food created in Virginia, within 100 miles of our store. When you see a sign in our store that says "local" or "I'm a local" you can trust that that item is grown or made right here in our home state, and as close to Charlottesville as possible. Keeping that in mind, we do offer East-Coast regional products as well, like our Roots Hummus from Asheville, NC. 

So, take a minute to get to know the people behind your locally grown tomatoes and freshly baked, locally-made bread. We've compiled a list of links to our local vendors below. 

Local Vendor Links